Nvision enables machine learning services to extract insightful information from images with simple and easy to use APIs. Provide real-time video analysis with stream processing service. Get the most out of your visual information with the help of Nipa cloud experts. Offer fully customized algorithms to your specifications.
Nvision enables machine learning services to extract insightful information from images with simple and easy to use APIs. Provide real-time video analysis with stream processing service. Get the most out of your visual information with the help of Nipa cloud experts. Offer fully customized algorithms to your specifications.
Machine Learning
Offer high-performance machine learning algorithms trained on huge datasets over a million images so that a machine is able to understand visual information as similar to humans, but in lighting speed and highly scalable.
Stream Processing
Provide real-time image analysis with stream processing service. With edge SDK, we unable different API protocols that suit your application such as REST, RPC, and Socket.
Simple Integration
With our flexible API protocols across REST, RPC, and Socket, integrating our machine learning services into your technology stack has never been easier. Ranging from edge applications to back-end services.
Deep Insights
Suggesting machine learning use cases, Identifying key measurement metrics, turning your data into valuable insight, and getting the most out of your visual information with the help of Nipa cloud experts.
Fully Customized
Offer fully customized algorithms to your specifications. Building a custom image preprocessing pipeline. Retraining and fine-tuning machine learning model with your data to recognizing new object categories, or advancing model architecture for even better accuracy.
Machine Learning Services
We make it easy to start, leverage and
optimize machine learning at SCALE.
Send image data through our simple API call and
receive predictions in real-time
We make it easy to start, leverage and
optimize machine learning at SCALE.
Send image data through our simple API call and
receive predictions in real-time
We make it easy to start, leverage and optimize machine learning at SCALE.
Send image data through our simple API call and receive predictions in real-time
Use Cases
Stream API
Real-time Video Analytics with Object Detection service
Using Nvision service can help you extract a lot of information regarding the environment using just a simple camera. With Socket protocol enabled in our edge SDK, you can efficiently stream video feeds to Nipa cloud platform for real-time video analytics. We also provide a custom callback endpoint that allows you to have independent backends for saving and analyzing prediction results.
Image API
Better user experience with auto-tagging and categorization services
Nvision service makes it easy to create better experiences with better image understanding that allows you to extract image content and make images searchable for users. You can use Nvision to perform image tagging and categorization via standard REST API calls and you only pay for the number of images analyzed.